9 Tips for What to Wear to a Lingerie Party


You've been invited to your first lingerie party, but how do you know what to wear? Here are nine tips for what to wear to a lingerie party, from lingerie and accessories you'll definitely want to bring to outfits that might not be the best choice. Remember these tips when deciding what to wear to a lingerie party, and you'll look good enough to eat!

1) Do Not Skip Makeup

It is vital that you do not show up at a lingerie party without putting on some type of makeup. Obviously, it can be whatever you feel most comfortable with; however, keeping your skin clean and moisturized is essential. You want to make sure that your face is clear and ready before you put on any other clothes so that it doesn’t take away from how attractive your lingerie looks. You do not want any distractions!

2) Keep it Simple

When you attend a lingerie party, you want to make sure that your outfit complements everything else in attendance. As such, less is more. Just as with regular evening wear, it’s best not to overdo it with accessories or other bits and pieces, but instead focus on simple elegance. Also keep in mind that everyone has different taste when it comes to these things: just because you might consider something sexy doesn’t mean everyone will agree! 

This is particularly true at lingerie parties where men are often outnumbered by women. Remember that most guys don’t have much experience judging sexy outfits and can be easily influenced by your clothing decisions.

3) Choose Your Outfit Carefully

Some people just don’t have any fashion sense. It may be lack of effort or they don’t know what looks good on them. It can also be that they have no idea how to dress appropriately depending on where they are going. If you have never been invited to a lingerie party, it is probably best not to show up in your pajamas. Always make sure you are dressed according to where you are going. 

Even if you really like casual, cute outfits, that probably is not appropriate for most lingerie parties. And if lingerie isn’t your thing at all, it is probably best not to go at all unless someone asks you specifically and very nicely! If you're still confused about what to wear to a lingerie party?, this guide can help you choose the best outfits for your lingerie party.

4) Match Your Shoes to Your Underwear

You want to wear heels that are high enough that you don’t feel like you have to be on your tiptoes, but not so high that you feel unstable. Make sure they’re stilettos—wedges can be difficult because they make it hard to turn. For underwear, choose something sexy and comfortable. If your underwear is uncomfortable, it will distract from your outfit. 

I love control-top pantyhose (Victoria’s Secret has some great options), which have a silky sheen and hold everything in place without pinching or leaving marks on my skin.

5) Jewelry Should Not Be Overstated

The only jewelry you should wear to a lingerie party is what you normally wear. Overdoing it will distract from your confidence and sex appeal. Men may not notice subtle details at first, but they’ll always remember women who they had trouble taking their eyes off of. So don’t overdo it with too much makeup or clothing either—the key is being confident enough in yourself that your sex appeal isn’t exaggerated.

6) It's OK if You Do Not Feel Sexy

The most important tip of all, is to not worry about feeling sexy. Not every woman is at her most confident when she’s wearing something skimpy and lacy, so if you don’t feel sexy as soon as you slip into your new lingerie then that’s perfectly fine. 

After all, everyone looks gorgeous in lingerie when they are with their partner and there will be plenty of time for you to show off later on in private! The next best thing is feeling comfortable; if your bra feels great or if your panties fit just right then that should definitely help you feel more confident overall.

7) Keep Track of Time!

This sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised at how easy it is to lose track of time at these parties. If you have a schedule, try not to veer off of it – or have an alternate plan in mind! And if you don’t have one already, figure out when people usually start arriving and aim to show up early. Once you’re there, walk around and mingle with everyone—even if you don’t plan on buying anything, everyone is more approachable once they realize that you aren’t there just looking for free stuff. When someone does approach you about shopping, don’t feel pressured into anything – even if it seems like an excellent deal.

8) Be Confident!

Don’t make excuses not to go. And don’t worry about what others will think of you. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, people respond well to that—no matter what they are wearing! Get your best lingerie on and get ready for some fun! If someone doesn’t like it, they aren’t worth it anyways!

9) Go All In!

If you’re going to show up in lingerie, go all out. If you have an ensemble that makes you feel gorgeous and confident, then wearing it is a must. If not, try your hardest to find one that fits well and makes you look good - because if you don’t like what you see in your mirror when you get dressed, there’s no way anyone else will.


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